RepubliCAN’T Who wants the lime light and attention focused on them for being an outcast? Not I said the chicken.
If you allow your core values, integrity and beliefs to be altered, changed or persuaded by threats, bullying and intimidation, and you are in total fear of going up against the “present dent,” (the dent that is plaguing our country), then why are you even in office?
This administration is more like Child’s Play. It’s not even “Hi, I’m Chucky, wanna play?” It’s more like, Hi I’m Chucky, you better play. It’s the making of threats and making it understood that you BETTER play the game I play and do what I say.
And if you refuse, argue, challenge, debate, disagree, or even have an opinion different from mine, then you can indeed expect extreme forms of retaliation.
So yall, we got viruses, diseases and outbreaks, but guess what? It’s not from the CDC, it&rs... |
You’re FIRED Whether you have been with the company for years, whether you worked everyday, been on time everyday, never missed a day, was employee of the month, or hell, even the employee of the year, you know what? You’re FIRED!!!
You’re fired, no you’re not, yes you are, no you not, yes you are, never mind, no you’re not. Musty was like, oh oops, my bad. Where those people we fired? We need them. Now they scrambling trying to find and re-hire those “essential” workers back. But that’s okay, that’s how a functional government operates.
Welcome to this country. This is how we’re functioning. So what we gonna do is, we’re gonna make the mistakes FIRST and we’re going to fire people that are crucial and of higher importance needed to operate these companies, but don’t worry, we’re gonna figure it out later and eventually try to hire them back.
But see, this is what happens when you got so many people unqualified for the... |
Michael vs LeBron Why is that even a discussion?
Why everything gotta be a competition, a comparison or even a debate? Michael Jordan was the “GOAT" of his time and generation. LeBron is the “GOAT” of this time and generation. But so is Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Chris Paul, James Harden, Kyrie Irving, Luka Doncic, Ja Morant, Nikola, Shai, Victor, Giannis… and so was Larry Bird, Dr. J, Magic, Kobe, Wilt, Kareem, Shaq, Dirk…
To be a GOAT in this comparison, it consisted of the help of other teammates as well. No one EVER played a game and scored ALL the points and assisted themselves.
It took a Team effort to help set up those shots made by Michael and LeBron. And that consisted of assisting, rebounding, guarding, defending and also observation and awareness of where that player was on the court when passing him the ball.
And besides, who says they can only have ONE GOAT? Also, why do they have to have a limit? Well guess what... |
The State of Dis Union Welcome to The State of Dis Union.
Here are some “dis” words to describe The State of Dis Union. Dismantle, disruptive, disagree, disrespectful, distract,
Disappointing, disable, discredit, disregard, disaster,
Dislike, disloyal, dislocate, disaffiliate, disobey,
Disgrace, disaffirm, dishonest, disembark, disinfect,
Disgusting, disturbing, dismiss, discontinue, disarm,
Disconnect, disorderly, disassociate, discreet,
Disapprove, dissent, dispute, disorientated,
Disorderly, discord, disadvantage, disbelief,
Displeased, dislodge, disclaim, dishonor, distant,
Disarray, disband, disintegrate, disinform,
Dismal, disown, dispatch, disparity, disguise,
Discriminate, discard, dissolve, distort, distrust…
Yep, sounds about right.
Black History IS History Black History is Our history
Black History is American history
Black History is World history
Black History is The history
Black History IS History
Although it is celebrated in February, Black history is not just a month, it is every day history.
Black History is a reflection of the segregation and discrimination and the sacrifices and struggles for our freedom for justice and equality. It reflects how far we have come, from where we were to where we are.
Black History is History. It is written by “We the People,” and in case you didn’t know, we are part of the “We.” Our story matters and our ancestors stories matter.
So no matter how much they want to have “selective memory” and try to dismantle or impose restrictions, take away fundings, or pick, choose or limit how much (if any) is being taught about Black History, it is our job as parents, grandparents,... |
The First 30 Days Forget the First 48, how 'bout the first 30 days, smh.
How is it that the House that has ALL the control is so out of control?
How is it that we got an elderly grandfather acting like a kid with a new case of ink pens?
With less than two weeks on the job and with all that is going on in the country, how is attending the Super Bowl a priority, and riding around the Daytona 500 racetrack benefiting our country? It's more like a senior citizen acting like a 12 year old that has never been let outside as a child.
Because of the Musketeers and the disarray, this "house" has more lawsuits piled up in the first 30 days than the days in the month. People not knowing what's the deal, so many court cases and appeals.
The amount of disrespect and threatening to take away federal fundings from states who don't wanna play and do what you say, is wrong on so many levels. How are things great or even better when so many people a... |
Your mind and your mouth You can set the mindset and the tone of how your life will be.
Yes, you can set the mindset with your thoughts and the tone with your mouth. Guard and protect your mind and speak into existence the life you want. Let’s talk about it.
The mind is very powerful and what you allow to linger on your mind can often affect your mood and attitude, especially if you allow the hurt, the pain and the negativity to linger.
A person’s level of maturity determines if one moves on or lingers on, so are you lingering?
Don’t you know the Bible talks about both, the mind and the mouth. Here are a couple of verses that speaks on the mind.
In Romans 8 v 6 it says, “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Just remember, “those who live according to the flesh set their mind on the flesh.”
And Romans 12 v 2 says, “And do not be conform... |
Open Enrollment It’s November and it’s that time of the year for Open Enrollment for health care coverage. Yeah, this happens in November, but the good news is, God has Open Enrollment year round. Open enrollment means just that, open.
Definition of open is, “allowing access, not closed or blocked.” And that is what God is going to do. When you enroll under God’s coverage, He is going to allow you access to receive many blessings. He’s going to begin to open up some things in your life.
With God’s open enrollment you don’t have to fill out no application, speak to a representative, apply online, list yearly household income, nor do you have to wonder or worry if you are going to be approved. You don’t have to renew every year and you don’t have to make monthly payments.
Ask yourself, do you really need medical coverage, or do you just need to Believe? Did you not know that God i... |
I know who Won I know who won, I WON!
This 2024 election has brought trauma, drama, disgrace, disrespect, division, relief, joy, confusion, laughter, tears, smiles and so many mixed emotions.
People are happy he won, people are rejoicing, celebrating, relieved. People are smiling, excited and gloating.
People are sad, distraught, disappointed. People are mad, angry and frustrated. People are hurt, fearful, unhappy and uncertain, all because of who won and who didn’t.
To me, I WON, because I KNOW God!
I won because God is my Provider, not no man, momma, husband or job.
I won because I Trust God. What happened to “In God we trust?”
I won because I have FAITH. Yes, Faith over Fear. What happened to your faith? Why is your faith wavering? Why are you fearful?
The Bible says, “Do not fear NO man, but fear God.”
I won because God is my Shield and my Protector. ... |
The Prediction of God Bless America When it comes to “this” generation, many (if any) do not know about the songs we sung faithfully and wholeheartedly each and every morning at school.
I was born in the sixties and even in the seventies and so forth, I remember, every morning in class, before our day began, we all had to stand and place our hand across our chest and pledge allegiance to the flag.
We sung songs that represented unity, songs that meant something. We were taught to love THIS country. We were United. (At least that’s what the younger me thought)
Now for those who may not know, this is the Pledge of Allegiance.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
As of today, from my understanding, not ALL states require their schools to say the Pledge of Allegiance, which once again proves my point tha... |