Colette | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 16700
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Views: 145

What's really going on with this generation
And the advancement that enhanced through cellular communication

There are flip phones, disposable phones, smart phones and more
You can even buy a phone from the corner grocery store

No matter where you go or no matter whose around
You can always find someone with their head held down
I said it once and I've often indicated
This society has become extremely intextacated

A phone was once only used so a person's voice could be heard
Now you can text saying so much without ever hearing a word

Yes, there are many, many things that you can choose
For there are so many different ways a phone can be used

A phone is a television, a Bible, a camera, a map
It can be used to video you taking a nap

A phone is like a third hand brought everywhere you go
From the kitchen to the living room, the bedroom fa sho

How the heck did the world ever come to this
When you gotta bring yo phone to the bathroom to pss

It has brought together and torn up many relationships
It is thought about more than God
It's the world's worst addiction
Yet a phone that carries little weight can cause so much confliction

People cry over their phone when it's broken or lost
They'll pay $700.00 if that's what it cost
People will buy a new phone and won't have money for rent
Now they are broke for weeks cause all their money is spent

A cell phone can cause mood swings and emotional trauma
And it definitely can bring about some serious drama

There's Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter
The same phone that makes you happy
Is the same phone that makes you bitter

All in all there's good reasons to have a phone, this I know is true
For it so often comes in handy during the times you need it to

Well, we've been talking all this time, now I done made it home
Let me holla back at cha, I gotta go charge my phone

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

PROFOUND! Well penned. Now I got to go find that damn phone! Peace and Love.

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