What gives you the right, to tell me who or what I am? Or who I will be? Who gave you that power to judge me? And basically, put me in a category of your own reality?
Your reality does not define me, and it definitely doesn’t predict the future that you may have in mind.
You see what you fail to realize is that while you were busy being unkind,
my purpose had already been assigned by the one who saw the good in me when everyone else was blind.
He made me unique way before conception. My mind, body, and spirit were finalized to His perfection...into this black woman...
He knew that this melanin would lead you to a misconception and cause a negative perception before I even have the chance to create my own first impression.
Never take this brown skin for face value, I’m not that chick that the media portrays me to be, loud and ghetto with no goals achieved,
I’m just getting started on this journey, yet I’ve already reached someone else’s dream.
Know your worth queen!
Don’t let anyone else write the chapters of your book, nobody can be a better you except you.
Stop wearing those misconstrued...glasses that they view us through.
beat the odds and be that woman that our next generation will look up to!
And sis...
Never seek validation in man for you’ll never reach that satisfaction.
Some of their definition of a queen is based on their physical attraction. But its way deeper than just that...your beauty is defined on what’s inside your spirit, not the features of your face.
Learn to embrace the “imperfections” of our race and you’ll never ever feel out of place.