mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 294



The new day has dawned and

The dark yesterday’s tomorrow

Has brightly arrived and we now

Continue our upward sojourning.

Renewed hope is alive and our faith

Remains audaciously stronger—

We have survived the beastly lava flow

Of past trials and tribulations—and

We are now trekking upward in renewal.


The faithful and the true lamb

Have conquered the beast which has now

Become the feast of the birds of love, peace

And liberation!  For we have now been given

The shared gift from the spring of living water,

While the beast and his blind followers

Have been sentenced to the firing sulfur pool!


Yet, as we continue our upward climb towards

The “new Jerusalem”, let us be ever mindful

That many of the unchaste and those who

Love deceit and practice its deceiving rewards,

Still remain shadowed grazers the new pasture.

Indeed, let us forever be mindful and aware.


In our mountain top trek—the “new Jerusalem

Sojourn—though interrupted and “rest stop”

Halted, continues towards its blessed ascension.

Once more and again, the messaging words of

That old preacher, continue to ring out loud:

“We may not be where we gonna be…praise God,

We ain’t where we once were”…[in our sojourn].

Albeit, recently answered prayers, let us be mindful

We still have a long way to go in our climbing!


Although our psychological stress

May be less, we still have stressing

Pandemic challenges demanding

Our immediate unified attention;

Thus, let us be forever mindful that

Procrastination and his bride, apathy,

Continue to celebrate and enjoy being

The stalling enemies of achievement.


Thus, let us be aware that we still have

Leftover, present and future work that

Wait in our midst today. Indeed, “…only

the worker dies…the work goes on.”

Once more and again, let us forever be

Conscious that we are not the children of

Sisyphus, rather, we are the children of

the one blood of the Trinity—the Trinity

Working with us as One in our purpose.


Finally, dearly beloved, let us accept reality,

“Life ain’t no crystal stairway…” rather, our

Blessed Life is more like that of a winding

Staircase requiring Jacob-like feet aided by

One Samaritan-like hand reaching upward

Pulling—and the likewise other hand reaching

Downward—all pushing and pulling together.


With collective eyes on the prize, let us

Forever know and believe that in all times

Of pandemic struggles, “God is our refuge

And strength, a very present help in trouble.”

So let us continue to climb with good courage,

Knowing and believing that while “weeping

May endure for a night...[we can be assured]…

Joy cometh in the morning…”  Thus, let us

Forever be as ONE…sojourning tomorrow.

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lasi_gi says:

Deep reminder of the fact that we only have a short moment to rejoice before getting back to work in earnest. Thank you for taking the time to write and share this with us. Peace and love. God bless you Sir Lowe
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, lasi_gi. Much appreciated. Indeed, let us get back to work with even more energy, renewed hope, and ever-present faith. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Colette says:

The meeting has never adjourned for them, so we definitely have to be aware that the beast and his blind followers still remain. The depth of this message is very amazing. Great write!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes, Colette. And many of them will try to present themselves as friends. We must remain aware!. Thanks for your read and feedback. Much appreciated. Peace and Love.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. Peace and Love.

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