WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Make Haiti the 51st State!



Views: 273

I would’ve never known

Until I said it aloud, because I too was prone

To believe in America’s history, 

But the truth is a lie

Our 'heros’ are all bad guys

All the propaganda and history made me ask why!

Did France sell Louisiana to America for just $15 mil?

In 1803 Thomas Jefferson got one he!! of a deal!

The Haitian Revolution was Napoleon’s bitter jagged pill!

Slaves beat three empires in the world’s only successful slave revolt!

Yet American education, culture, and history never registered one note!

I know all about Columbus, Washington, and Lincoln 

But nothing about Dessalines and Louverture, so that got me to thinking...

Why would the 'world's greatest democracy' suppress such a history?

A search on Google quickly helped me to solve this mystery

Why did US Marines occupy Haiti from 1914 to 1920?

For the same reasons as the French, it was all about the money!

President Woodrow Wilson sent in the Marines file and rank

To steal $500,000 in gold from the Haitian National bank

That Haitian Gold was sent back to a New York City bank

Today it is known as 'Citibank' (do they still have it?)!

America’s debt to Haiti is worth trillions more than gold once taken

Haiti should be America’s 51st state in the making!

Plus reparations for decades of abuse to deodorize America’s foul stench

If it weren’t for Haiti we’d all be speaking French!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Merci! And now, everybody should know why Haiti is the poorest country in the world! Right Next Door! Thanks for this very important enlightening pen. Paix et Amour!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

My lady is Haitian... this story she knows, so well...
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Great work!
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks mlowe5 and Charles2! Haiti’s history (and Revolution) should be mandatory education in schools worldwide!

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