jnxy706 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 261
  1. Ive ate so much pain, hate and deception
  2. Ive lost the definition to my own reflection
  3. My whole life in question
  4. Is this it for me or the misery before the blessin
  5. I feel another pill obsession settin in
  6. Life hit me with such a force
  7. It knocked the will from my pores
  8. Had me ill on all fours crying my pride to the floor
  9. It numbed my eyes and my core
  10. And my mind it dont seem right as before
  11. My dignity and morals aint got any might anymore
  12. Cuz lately I been losin my cool way to soon
  13. Like settin flame to fumes
  14. I dont help I only enrage the mood
  15. Yep Im still chained to boos
  16. And nope I cant change to news
  17. Cuz I still got the same to do
  18. Im in a fight against Circumstance and Coincidence
  19. Im havin a hard time tryin to find away to winnin this
  20. I need a miracle prayer or a sinful wish
  21. I know somethin gots to give cuz Im slippin big
  22. Ive come to terms and survived the hit,
  23. But this the me Im left with, forever my chest split
  24. On guard constant snarl like a cleft lip
  25. Im closed, frozen, unable to reopen
  26. These emotions wasnt choosen
  27. I was coated in black roses, the day I became BROKEN 





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