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"Codes of Love "The first touches of embrace in the midst of night lights bolts of excitement shot through our veins The mystery of the unknown glances we give each other then turn away like kids on a playground Conversations are paragraphs in our eyes We don't even need to talk our lips holds kisses we will give in the distant future The presence of our chemistry when along is extraordinary on another level no one can understand If we are meant to be it will show if not we got to go Let's enjoy our dates, our fun escapes! |
"Lonely Hearts "Our love testimony started off like an personal ad with our own personal newspaper Just doing our story of our wants and needs in our bio had butterflies in our stomachs before we even had the courage to give out our digits yes we had the 80/90s puppy love instantly despite of what opinions of others stated Gifts of affirmation I got spoiled from you being on cloud 9 dreaming of more quality time along with our own storyline in the sky I wrote an chapter on us in the form of online happiness, now we are like ocean waves feet away from one another on different ocean wavelengths Distant like the stars is how empty I feel without you , I'm dreaming I thought our paradise was true Sleeplessness nights I reminisce question like an interrogation the uncalled emptiness you cause on your end leaving me on unread leaving me void in my head in an hollow bed |
"New Love Puddle"
Drip drop is the new sound that me and future husband will make with matching shoes we placed our feet from the store that fate had let us meet First moment we locked hands and kissed sparking fireworks in our eyes at the age of 16 puppy love time like seasons our life flashed before our eyes ,but even 30 years later we still have energy like big kids in the middle of the night smiling towards one another my husband grabs my waist lifting me up in the rain making me feel as if I am in an fairytale pinch me to wake up from this realistic feeling in an fantasyland we have a new chapter in our new novel to create what do we do make an "New Love Puddle" |
" A relationship with Poetry"Like Adam and Eve Jesus put me and you together I came from your rib we will forever be attached because I know you got my back like that yes we are naked (unclothed) ,but we have no reason to be ashamed like ink to paper we let our love overflow take my hand let's walk skip in the garden of poetry let's sit on our quilt of sonnets and similies as we gaze at the sky the stars describes us in adjectives In you I live intimacy is fire in our blood let's get out of here and get to know each other over a cup of poetry (caution!!!) our words will be hot! Wow! the sun is up never had these many words spilling out through my intellectual knowledge come on let's get cozy by the fireplace and get warm I know it's only been a couple of months ,but your sweet calm presence make me want to ask you this "can we make it official as: Take your patient time no rush contemplating my answer days la... |
"Sandy Beaches"We are two unique stars placed in the sky We don't move we stay our love is electricity shooting through our veins just sitting next to each other brings fire and we don't even need wood my mind processed a thought "what is the thought my love"? "let's head to our date destination that resembles; sand, clear blue water, quiet atmosphere just the two of us and our love story "the beach" arriving at the beach we get out of the car and stop and look invisible in our walk walking barefoot on concrete we reach the sand so white it remains soft in between our toes walking along the shore the warm breeze pass by our skin I know with your love I win everyday is a date with my baby no candles or food needed our love is the picnic blanket and our food is back at our home no matter how many beaches we put our signature on 1, 2, or 3 I... |
"Heart Drips"Sitting by the fireplace listening to the crackling sound of the fire I remenince on the first day the way my eyes connected to yours on our first date by the lake we held in the fresh clean air through our noses with our eyes close holding hands we wonder where will our love go who knows? hugging one another tight the love in our hearts drips drop by drop landing inside an invisible pot you tell your love my heart drips for you for the rest of our lives we know it's true he holds your chin in the palm of his hand and kiss your cheek and say "united we stand" "yes we not engaged yet ,but I will make an oath and promise to always remain your man the way we love we can form a river soil in our own boat from coast to coast " I'm not afraid to cry and say today " will you be my wife? Jesus whispered to me it's time make my night so it can shine like "... |
"Ladder"Invisible and glowing with right steps is the ladder I will climb to get to your roof to conversate with you this is an A-B conversation just us two let me put on my spirit shoes and drop my worldly bookpack down so I can have increased strength I don't need a rope to hold me like I'm mountain climbing my faith will hold me up I go I see you blessing people on your very own rooftop bless me more as I am next to you through the clouds you see how your very own Christians act and I get the view how about that I'm opening mouth but words won't come out I'm that speechless that I'm sitting with my love We are in a relationship all over again sorry world I'm never stepping down to the sin I got my reward and he is my buddy Thanks for your ladder Jesus! |
"Better Half"Love is a funny way to express yourself sometimes most of your love had dark times with rain , but you came out with the win The men or women were like do these rugs need to be tossed out because they were no good to you You leaned on your own understanding which left you in a maze with out an exit Jesus created you a love to his heart highway where the strong survive Jesus is the unbeatable love Years later your life overflows with Jesus that you need a bucket When Jesus see your ready for a spouse he will be your matchmaker because not just any man can get with his daughter that's unequally yoked hanging unto two different strings Jesus is the better half before any human he made from dust Your better half is finally close to you that you don't want to go home Love is flowing through your bloodstream As you are far away being one in Christ Tough times don't last Tears ran like a waterfall when the dark storm stopped above your heads but Je... |
"Waterfall"Essential in nature dripping in love Harmony music notes float silently through the water Standing below the waterfall holding hands we become intertwined we sing and dance Drift into our own fantasy land with wedding bands On our hands becoming our own king and queen The sand is our throne let's make peace on it Laying back we observe Jesus through our spiritual eyes through the visible blue skies With our feet on rocks we enter the cold icey water And swim to our hearts desires Seconds later we are hiking into unknown territory with no fear because we arrived with halos on our heads This moment will be etched in our adventure book with our kids see it in memory Our happy tears creates an unique "waterfall" No tissue needed We are still in love being seated |
" Skylight Love"No light is required in the rocket of love No seatbelt is needed because you are my safety precaution Our headlights are the stars bright just for us The moon is the bed with our name on it Pick a star because you shine like one in my eyesight Skylight love is our own love language it's an love of unknown origins Tonight we are using the cool breeze as our heater I don't want to drop back to Earth Let's make the sky our home |