tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Better Half"



Views: 175
Love is a funny way to express yourself sometimes most of your love had dark times with rain , but you came out with the win The men or women were like do these rugs need to be tossed out because they were no good to you You leaned on your own understanding which left you in a maze with out an exit Jesus created you a love to his heart highway where the strong survive Jesus is the unbeatable love Years later your life overflows with Jesus that you need a bucket When Jesus see your ready for a spouse he will be your matchmaker because not just any man can get with his daughter that's unequally yoked hanging unto two different strings Jesus is the better half before any human he made from dust Your better half is finally close to you that you don't want to go home Love is flowing through your bloodstream As you are far away being one in Christ Tough times don't last Tears ran like a waterfall when the dark storm stopped above your heads but Jesus stopped the storm his voice is mighty powerful now let sunshine shine through smile like a bright new day Now! Go to your "Better Half"

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