LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 205800
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Winter in February



Views: 231

A cold crisp night
A breath of fresh winter air,
Salted steps and sidewalks
Assure footing is guaranteed.
Black ice and snow lined trim
Outline each parking space.
I watch my step as I
Walk towards the dumpster.
A lone snowman stands
Ever so proudly in the shadows
Keeping vigil over the complex
As parking lot lights supervise
A light breeze accompanies
Distant engines along the backdrop.
If it weren’t for the low temps
I wouldn’t mind the exposure,
But for tonight, it’s all good.
Just cold enough for a break
From the inside heat and
A little room to stretch.
Immeasurable peacefulness,
The moon and a few select stars
Are my comforts for tonight,
Aside from mon amour de la poésie,
Of course!
And as I reluctantly leave
The outside world with a few
Quick stomps, I rid my soles
Of hichhiking rock salt
Between the treads and
Leave them in the company
Of my doormat.
My heat quickly hugs me
Like a mother to her child
Without a coat,
Refusing to let go.
I leave my shoes at
The edge of the carpet
Hang up my coat and
Retrieve my cell from my pocket.
I drop the temp down,
But not too far as for
The comfortability of us both.
My day has been fulfilled
As it’s now time to rest,
For tomorrow is a new day.
For leftovers, second chances,
And new experiences.

Good night all!
 LP45 ©2/4/21

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautiful! I always enjoy the walks with you. This one in particular. Got to get back out in the snow and go teach my 8 mentees. I'll probably be taking the reading walk with you right up to 02/15/21! With God's blessings and grace, I will have reach 79 years of being perpendicuar to the ground---in His service. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.

LP45 says:

Sounds like a plan my fellow Aquarian Brother. Thanks for your kind words and support. Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE! Peace and Love.

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