c0ncreter0se | Poetry Vibe
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eyes of lust pt 2


first love

Views: 190

He was so beautiful to me, his smile made me warm inside, I used to love looking him in the eye, Its no longer a pleasure to me, alll I see is lies, lies tht made me cry, lies that were made from his creation, lies that build something in my imagination. I thought we actually had a chance, u know a possibility of something happenin, yet again that's just something that I was imagining, if I had a penny just 1 penny for everytime he said he was busy. I would be spendin it and makin myself busy, when he talks hmm Im still all ears, he was the reason I faced my fears, when he leaves his scent fades it no longer stays nor does he.his touch represents fabrication to me, caught up in his deception. but I no longer have it in me to stress him, I rather sing my song, build my bridge and get ready for the next one

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