tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Wedding Ring"


Views: 164

Temple in the skies

Inside is a wedding for you and I

the angels are my bridesmaid

and God is your best man

In spirituality will you take my hand?

You don't need to put me in a white wedding dress when you placing me in a white robe

I will follow your lead go where you go 

we don't need a license to conform our love it's already deep in me

walking down the aisle out the open doors we give each other a smile because of the here and now

our clouds is the seats for the people that passed away 

I love to shout and say that you are great like a baby inside of a woman you instill new spirit in my belly 

as a wife I listen to what you tell me as a woman of God my salvation is free 

what's that you placed on me 

not a wedding band but a " Wedding Ring"

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LP45 says:

Beautiful write tiffanyr. Thanks for sharing.

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mlowe5 says:

Thanks for the tears, tiffanyr; and for reminding me of the blessing God wedded me to. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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