tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
getting back into my poetry grind

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Views: 162

Invisible and glowing with right steps is the ladder I will climb to get to your roof to conversate with you this is an A-B conversation just us two

let me put on my spirit shoes and drop my worldly bookpack down so I can have increased strength 

I don't need a rope to hold me like 

I'm mountain climbing 

my faith will hold me up I go I see you blessing people on your very own rooftop

bless me more as I am next to you

through the clouds you see how your very own Christians act and I get the view how about that

I'm opening mouth but words won't come out I'm that speechless that I'm sitting with my love

We are in a relationship all over again 

sorry world I'm never stepping down to the sin I got my reward and he is my buddy 

Thanks for your ladder Jesus!

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