Let us, my people, be aware;
There is more than is seen there.
You would have thought that it was
On decline
But there is a reinjection of Black-on-
Black crime.
Social distancing and sheltering
in place
Has never been a problem for
Our race;
Yet, we’ve allowed the frustrations
And the ongoing political caring hoax
To lead us back to the daily psychosis
Of us killing our own folks.
Now is the time and the time is now
To rein this on in;
We got to stop being the weary victims
Of our own kin.
Covid-19 has already decimated us with
Its disparities;
Why go back to self-inflicted community
Viral calamities?
Daily, young blacks lie dead in the street
Mangy dogs sniffing at their bloody feet;
One set of black parents grieving their
Beloved dead
Whose cold bodies lay there riveted with
Flesh-sought lead.
Another set of black parents must now
Defend their sons
And the cardinal sin that caused them to
Fire pearl-handled guns.
If we do not rise up and put a stop to these
Genocidal atrocities
Once again, our black lives will not matter to
And our enemies;
We can no longer marginalize our duties and
Short-changing and snail-pacing the winning
Of our liberties.
With the spirit of power guiding us to get in
Good trouble,
We must get on with bursting the Black-on-
Black crime-bubble!