KiloMsundrstd | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 130

While you sit and study... I sit and day dream. Thinking of when I’ll be able to hold you, caress your silky brown skin and feel the spark of my lips on yours.. Electrifying isn’t the word.. It’s more like you jump starting my  nearly depleted heart.. The joys of hearing your voice and smelling your Perfume  has me in an unfocused state.. I drift deeper and I’m sucked in by the way you suck on my bottom lip.. Completely in a trance, trapped in your web; willing to surrender without guilt or inhibitions.. The way you feel drives me insane and over stimulates my brain.. Surviving the night is my ticket there, cold nights won by thoughts of warm embraces. Warm embraces by succulent lips, thighs and everything else that could transform a man into a statue; never to leave again.. Stationary by choice and by force, of a force that’s inescapable.. So I sit, counting days until I can just be. Did I mention this was a day dream... 

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