WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Revenge of the Peckerwoods



Views: 168

Years ago my Grandfather told me

That one day, left unchecked, all of the Peckerwoods would finally break free

And when they started yelling ‘Yeee-Haaw!’ you better get!

‘Cuz they’re on the warpath and about to start some real $#!+!’

‘Once,’ Grandpa whispered, ‘When I was confronted by a pack of Peckerwoods in the wild, here’s what saved me!’

Grandpa continued, ‘I didn’t run, I don’t know Karate, but I do know crazy!'

I looked up at the biggest Peckerwood, stared him dead in his eyes

Said ‘I’ll whup yo’ country a$$, long before you get any help from them other guys!’

'The head Peckerwood flinched, because he didn’t want these hands!'

'He knew the tune that I was playing, but didn’t want to take a chance!'

'I didn’t even need to pull my piece, I just told them all to go about their way.'

'So if you ever run into a pack of Peckerwoods in the wild, now you’ll know what to do and say!'

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

That's right let them Peckerwood's know up front where you stand tell them mogo's " If you don't want the smoke don't start the fire" Continue to be courageous!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks for the share. No doubt, we all had the same Grand-Papas. Peace and Love, mlowe5
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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks The Poet Wize and mlowe5!
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mlowe5 says:

ONE! Peace and Love.

LP45 says:

Awesome write nosajm. I must admit, this cracked me up. I'm right there with your grandpa though, go after the biggest one first and the rest WILL leave you alone! Thanks for sharing this enjoyable read. Peace and blessings.

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