a poetry vibe tribute…
others say we are as free
as we want to be
in writing our poetry
but yet they edit our write
denying our poetry free right…
how can they tell you & me
how to write ourstory
telling us what’s really
to hell with their stinky bull
dung guile!
as poets free as we are to
eternally be
we continue to self publish our
leaving behind ourstory and
ourstory’s legacy…
we eternal poets of mission
purpose reality
do not write the legacy
for an oppressive fee…
the books are blessed gifts
for the children
who are to come and are
still alive…
and for those now ready
for the allegorical
we’re blessed with the site—
poetry vibe
where mattering black voices
are heard…
so if you are into black poetry
and the good and bad of black
lives matter
poetry vibe.com is the blessed
liberating site where ya’ll
should gather…
so go there during the day
and night
sharing some time reading &
what you 2 write…
the 1 thing I can truly
is that you’ll find some
which you can soulfully
just keep coming here…&
you’ll surely…c…