TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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I'll Pass(reparations)


just different

Views: 241


Sorry if I offend

But I'll pass on reparations

Some may agree with me, others may not 

But... keep you money houses and land

For my self respect and self worth are not for sale

I'll pass

the treatment I desire you fight me to acquire 

Pull me over, if I'm crime free let me be

Traffic ticket ok, I'll pay it next Friday

I pray that day I will see

Walking down the street in my beautiful hue so fine

Sorry, not sorry but this is still no crime

However in your mind......

You are who viciously attacks, seemingly all of the time

I want the same respect you feel you alone only deserve

The respect you feel only your hue has earned

Wrong again

For there is no dollar amount that pays for my priceless dignity

Whatever the color we are all apart of "HUMANITY"

Mark 8;36

What profits a man to gain the world and loose his soul

This is what comes to mind

Sure money is cool but not all of the time 

There are many things that should never be traded for the "dime"

Equality, respect, love, and a more positive nation

Personally with that, I am cool

For that is what I would define as reparations.

NOTE: I was once told that a poem is  never finished and I believe this to be true. So with that being said I already know with this one I will never be through......LATER

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Contest Winner  

Colette says:

I agree, keep your money. Well said!!! Excellent write!
Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

Thank you so much. I’m happy you enjoyed

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