TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 243

I'm bouts ta get right on away from here, I can't take this no mo. This toxic atmosphere gots me searching fo the doe. 

Y'all daily driving me crazy the effort to grip my mind in pain trying to make me feel like I am going through every block of insane

Lifting my legs one after the other as my feet grip the pavement that travels far from here

I zoom by fast, glimpses are barely caught in the rear view mirror. I'm bout to bounce and skip and hop and jump and run and get the hell out of dodge

I'm bout to fly if I have too gotta escape the "ugh" they try and put me through robbers of my happy authors of pain

Trying to magnify your dirty opinions of me cuz I function in different and not in your same.

Don't look back, only burdens are there look ahead, go ahead yes unknown, still God is where? There

Omnipresent no spot that He's not yea I'm bouts to get smooth on out shootin my shot


Are all I need, and I trust Him with all I got. So with steps of faith.... I'M OUT!!!!!

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Contest Winner  

Colette says:

I gave my landlord a 30 day notice and I trusted God, stepped out on faith and moved to a whole new state with only whatever could fit in my car. No money, no job, no job offer. Within 4 days, I had a job. Ain't never lack, was never hungry or homeless. That was 3 years ago, won't He do it. As for me, I didn't waiver, I didn't doubt, I didn't find a reason to wait, I didn't second guess. Faith is believing in the unseen, the unknown. Faith is all you need!
Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

Your right on point...... Good job working your faith. I wrote this with similar in mind. Today is Monday and this coming Friday will be my last day at my job I have been here for 10 years. Yes definitely time to move

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40 Gifted_and_Classy says:

i like this poem! keep up the good work.
Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

Thank you so much 40 Gifted and Classy 🥰

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