tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"Heart Drips"



Views: 180

Sitting by the fireplace listening to the crackling sound of the fire 

I remenince on the first day the way my eyes connected to yours on our first date by the lake 

we held in the fresh clean air through our noses with our eyes close holding hands we wonder where will our love go who knows?

hugging one another tight the love in our hearts drips drop by drop landing inside an invisible pot 

you tell your love my heart drips for you for the rest of our lives we know it's true

he holds your chin in the palm of his hand and kiss your cheek and say "united we stand" "yes we not engaged yet ,but I will make an oath and promise to always remain your man 

the way we love we can form a river soil in our own boat from coast to coast

" I'm not afraid to cry and say today " will you be my wife? Jesus whispered to me it's time make my night so it can shine like "Jesus light"

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