tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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"The Best of Friends"



Views: 186

The best of friends love one another as Jesus loves them

The best of friends hold unto each other cares like glue

The best of friends hold each other accountable with actions

The best of friends don't hold back opinions

The best of friends don't let the storm break them

The best of friends repent from sins together

The best of friends pray and bible study together not make excuses 

The best of friends roll together in Christianity when others roll out

The best of friends cry and laugh in just a few minutes

The best of friends stand on Jesus platform when haters knock down their tower

The best of friends fast for Jesus not for themselves 

Jesus is above and within spiritual hearts always win and make ann end to sin


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Contest Winner  

Colette says:

Thanking God always for forgiving us always as we gradually strive each day to not have a reason to ask for forgiveness. Let's put an end to Sin! Awesome write, well said, I love it!!!

Tiffanyr says:

Comments like yours makes my passion go higher.

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