tiffanyr | Poetry Vibe
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getting back into my poetry grind

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" Behind The Gate"



Views: 238

Behind the gate is racism, guilt, shame, and pride

trying to unlock the lock is sin using every scheme in his little blackbook the evil in you didn't get pass the other side of the grass

we all got secrets to hide family hurt that need to get open up wide

combinations on our soul stop us from reaching out for help so inside the darkness of the four walls

we cry because words that formed sentences stuck deep down in our throats looking for escape

Behind the gate

Behind the gate we are on the ferris wheel with our minds racing heart pulsing

Behind the gate we stand on the concrete looking in

Behind the gate we create a pair of eyes that forms tears that see image issues, trust issues, disability issues in each own puddle behind

get behind a new gate a gate that is golden in color with a spiritual figure that has no one above him

get in line to get behind that gate

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Contest Winner  

Colette says:

WOW!!! Ok Sis Yes, unlock the gate of Guilt, Shame, Depression, Rejection... and position yourself to enter the Golden Gate, the Pearly Gate, Heaven's Gate. Awesome Write!!!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Deep write. In reconciliation with each other, words need not seek escape; rather, they should simply be released. The Gate Keeper always has open ears. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

Tiffanyr says:

Thanks for the unique feedback.

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