Writing what's right, requires righteous
conscious to be written.
In order to upright the unrighteous following the
writings of what was wrote.
![]() King Suspire
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just different
Writing what's right, requires righteous
conscious to be written.
In order to upright the unrighteous following the
writings of what was wrote.
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Off Grid
I smoke, and think upon those who built temples. Don't worry about social credentials. Just the basics, keep it simple. Make moves without creating too many ripples. For people are fickle. Laugh now, cry later, isn't a riddle. For those who do to much, end up in a pickle. Cucumbers, soaking in vinegar. It's cold outside, icicles. Not one tear will trickle. If you have no class, dismissal. Explosive thoughts, like impact from missiles. That surpass the flesh, and gets down to the gristle. Gain attention like blowing a whistle. Sculpting what you need to see like a chisel. More vivid than the TV you watch, supplied by cable. Fiber optic brainwashing at your service, your not you. Invasion, not of the body, but the ment... |
It's been so long, recollection of what day is gone. Broken branches giving thorns, tripping over trees fallen. Nightmares of being hung. No freedom papers, on the run. Torches in the distance, hounds barking, here they come. Can't look back, they don't forgive, or your done. So dark, can't see what's in front. Moon light paths, until the break of the sun. No time to sleep, no time to eat. I need some water, but I need to keep moving my feet. They hurt and are bloody, but owner of no shoes. An owner wants me to work with no dues. Over my head, a shot just flew. Ricochet off a tree, just missed me. I may die before I can even read or write, what a pity. Innocent or not, always guilty. Maybe I should just stop, let them beat me. ... |
The Language Of ArtArtistic expression, it comes from somewhere. Varying, depending on the creator of the expression made physical. Tangible, actual, touchable, readable. Thoughts of what is their consciousness of being. How they see life, through their ocular window. As their minds record all they experience as memory. Some good and joyous, full of peace. Some hurtful and cold, absent of warmth. Some somewhat conflictual, for they are somewhere in between. The moment this journey begins for time. The conception, birth, child, adult. The smiles, frowns, laughter, cries. Some love, hate, family, friendship. There's experience, knowledge, failure, success. Then peace, grief, life, death. Those are the steps, walked by all.... |
Everybody Cries?Everybody cries, I don't believe you! Everybody cries! Strong, tough, brave, independent. Everybody cries! I hear, but don't believe a word you say. Everybody cries! Lucky for those, who do so in front of others. Lonely is the heart that tears alone. Everybody cries! Though there are those with a whole in their soul. With depths to deep to be reached. For they are already dead! everybody cries!
Die HardPull out that thang, and start firing like synapses in the brain. Nightmares like Dana Dane. Uncut like that cane. Trained to maintain and obtain a gain through the harshest terrain. In order to sustain arrange the things that pertain. To establishing a rein that initiates the vain only fit for a King. As i drain these veins, and put forth its content, to show we are not the same. Forgoing any fame, though the aim is to be hotter than a flame. The lames will be the one's throwing dirt on the name. Who'll attempt to maim, or enslave in chains. For if they can't explain, then they'll try to contain. Be mentally abstained, and don't fall for the games. In and out of lanes, try... |
Curtain CallsI wear a crown, because my skin is brown, and I survived my town. A place where most who resemble, are no longer around. Hunted down, and put in the ground. Irrelevant to circumstance, life is a hound. Sniffing for blood, from rooftops, down to playgrounds. Around my way, we all prey. Survival of the fit, you better stay in shape. The predators, all have a different face. A variable, littered throughout the landscape. From the street pharmacists, law enforcement, or the mentally incompetent. To sign throwers, strap holders, stoned faced elementary fresh out the stroller. Indiscriminate clock ticking, who's next for the card punching? Look over your shoulder, clutch your purses. Innocence, and loud ... |
Full Circle!You didnt't believe in me, because i didn;t believe in myself. But don't you understand, your supposed to. When i'm beat down, you build me up. And when your down and beat, I build you. But doubt is master to Kings and Queens. The divider of kingdoms, who swallows legacies. The devourer of family, faith and loyalty. Leaving remnants of a community dried and without roots. For it is forgotten, that we are designed for companionship. As we collect the remains, of those found on the road to independence! |
Big Bang!Thirteen Billion, Seven Hundred Thousand, roughly. The existence of a Universe. Determined by astronomers. Omo Valley, some Two Hundred Thousand years ago, roughly. Determined by Paleontologists. Symbolizing the beginning of mankind. Leaving Thirteen Billion, Five Hundred thousand years of nothingness, roughly. Galaxy upon galaxy, void of life. As if something so magnificent would be so limited. For something to know what life is. It had to be given life by something that already exists. The creator, the Omnipotent. For which can not be calculated by arithmatic. A being of unsolved mystery. That will only come to past, through Revelation. To a place prepared for salvation. Paved in gold.  ... |
PicassoWith this pen. I paint life for viewership. If you care to look. Upon this canvas, is an assortment of tones. Fire reds, to cool blues. Mountanous landscaoes, meadows, and deserts to. Casting shadows to deceive the light. Abstract is an art some may not like. But I paint regardless. With no worries, my spirit is free. Vivid, illustrared, for all to see. Provoking, stirring the emotions. Anger, joy, confliction. What's your connection? That's why your searching. That's why i'm creating. As we're both persuing. Something worthy, to put on a wall! |
BizzaroMysterious mysterio, mystifying material. Mr Miyagi, karate, wax on, wax off. Krane kicks to the mental part of your body. La di da di, we likes to party. What I say, ain't for everybody. Anybody, embodied in my embodiment, of the outer body experience. Pertaining to transferring descriptive descriptions through English language. In cryptic encryption of depictions to portray graphic images. To simulate relevance of relativity. Pray to the Nativity for this creativity. Absolute absolution, absolutely. To motivate, to make, mountainous monstrosities Regardless of viscosity, self preservation is priority. Number one, public enemy. Friends befriending friendship is now normality. As the independent society for independence surpasses equality. ... |