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A SAGA OF EBONY REFLECTIONS ON OURSTORY (Apropos Of Black History...Year Round Awareness)


Views: 185




Another Black History month has come

and gone with a pseudo-focused apology

on 400 years of slavery.  But gracefully

continue ignoring things like decades

of Moorish democratic rule in Euro-Spain.

And how early African explorers had traveled

and settled in various parts of ancient Asia,

Europe and the Americas (i.e. Mexico!) long

before the coming of American slavery.


It remains ironic that as we have gone from

celebrating Negro History Week to presently

celebrating Black History Month—with focus

on slavery, abolition, emancipation, civil rights,

snail-paced growth in education, voting rights,

employment and election to high political

office—there is yet that sneaking implication that

leads us and our extended-family children thinking

that Black Lives here had their beginning with slavery.


While praises must forever be due to the tenacity

of those ancestors here who paved the way during

and after slavery, we must make it abundantly

clear to the present and future generations, that our

roots did not begin here in this stolen land that God

had already given to an anchored people of color.


While it is evident that the beginning of humankind

on this planet had its origin on the African continent,

the illusion is yet written and taught that human origin

and civilization was probably more of a Mesopotamian

European-like cocooning!


But let us not despair; the crushed and buried

truth by the dirt of his-story will not be denied

her assured resurrection.  No, we must teach

our children that their treasured—mattering—

worldly origin and the growth of our great being

did not begin with American slavery; rather, the

Edenic Garden of God’s creation for all humanity

was—and remains—the blessed womb of Africa!


Indeed, there is much throughout the year that

we must tell our children of our glorious origin

and the conquering sojourning of our evolution

on Earth—created in God’s peace and love—

Now gone astray in the Clorox-like human-hate

phasing of a racist pigmentation ideology.


We must make our children aware of the great

ancient African civilizations and their Kingdoms

and Empires that existed long before the blank

caving of primitive others who stole our African

greatness and claimed it as Greco-Roman genius;

all of which today—though still veiled—remains

that well known crime of the white man’s burden.


We must make the children aware that it was in

the North, South, East and West of the African

continent where Black Africans became the first

of agricultural, hunter-gatherer humans to evolve

into settlers of extended family-like societies where

the earliest technology took root and led to African

ancestors being the forerunners of the growth and

development of early civilization. 


For our children, we must dispel the evil untruths

of his/story, racist archeologists, racist cartoonist,

racist writers like Victor Hugo—who audaciously

insinuated Europe as “ultimate civilization” while


deeming Africa, “utter barbarism”—as well as

dispelling the racist poetic penning of Rudyard Kipling’s

poem which he mendacious titled, The White Man’s

Burden; insinuating it to be the white man’s supreme

moral duty to conquer and enslave the people of Africa.


We of the pen and voice must make our children

and theirs  aware that their treasured ancestors

were not Illiterate savages living in straw and mud

huts with only Stone Age technology; rather, we must

make them aware that our ancient ancestors were

intelligent people of Africa who in ancient times

developed agricultural skills, technology to fashion iron

tools and weapons, minted coins and built great cities

and colossal monuments which still remain some of

great wonders of the world.


Indeed, we, today’s penning griots—repositories

of ourstory—must assure for coming generations

that the echoing sounds of Nok, Djenne, Bantu,

Aksum, Timbuktu, Kuba, Swahili, Kush, Ghana, Mali,

Songhai and Meroe, and indeed Egypt and Ethiopia,

become igniters of storytelling keloid memories of

Outstory’s cherished beginnings.


Indeed, fellow griots of today, we must assure

that coming generations of African Americans

will always be aware that their history—ourstory—

has its beginning with the glorious history of ancient

Africa, rather than with American slavery; and that

they must be well aware that their ancestors—aborted

from the womb of Mother Africa—were not randomly

chosen but were explicitly chosen from African regions

where Black Africans had attained great ingenuity in

agriculture, animal husbandry, masonry, metallurgy,

architecture and various other technical skills needed

in the building of new world exploited colonized nations.



Indeed, enslavement was a well investigated and

thought-out plan for the white man’s burden of

Europe and her bastard prodigal child, America

in their not going quietly into the night in their

establishing of colonialism and the so called

strange institution of slavery.  And we’re well

aware of the past and post-neo-his/story and

the ramifications of the manifest destinies.


But the God of the oppressed has always

resurrected the living truth!  So let us in our

own cultural revival, forever remember whose

and who we were before being aborted from

our homeland and packed down like sardines

in the belly bowels of Middle Passage ships.


Thus, in future celebrations of ourstory here,

let us begin at the beginning; review Middle

Passage slavery interruption; highlight how far

we have come and then turn our attentions

towards solving our own Black-on-Black crimes;

followed by calling Brothers and Sisters together

to get us back to being the great builders of

liberated self-sustaining faithful Black family

communities once again--becoming molders of

the new matter of black lives living lovingly in

the peace and love of our Savor!


P.S.:  Remember, Ourstory begins with great

         civilizations of Ancient African; not with

         slavery in America!  How can Blacks ever

          begin a celebration with slavery?!?





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LP45 says:

Excellent and educational as always Sir Lowe. Teaching our story to the generations of today starts with deprogramming the previous ones who don't know, which includes other races as well. Thank you for this most informative write. Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, LP45. Thanks. Our mission purpose continues. We still have much work before us. Again, thank you for your continuous inspiration. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.
Contest Winner  

Colette says:

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!! They want to tell some of the history, but let's do a tell all. Yes, let us begin at the beginning! Very well said!!!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, Colette. Let us get the extended family! Peace and Love, M'Lowe.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. I have written an updated prelude--an introduction --to a 2020 re-post of this pen with only a small updated input. Much appreciated. Peace and Love.

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