illustrious da poet | Poetry Vibe
illustrious da poet
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The Epistle



Views: 204

Just the other day,
An angel came to me with a letter,
Before he could smile and fly away,
He said that my life would soon be better,
He gave me a kiss,
And told me to pass it to you,
He held my hands like this,
And said "that one will be good to you,"
I smiled,
And cried,
As my eyes stayed undried,
Then the angel disappeared without a trace,
There was the letter floating in front of my face,
I placed the letter in the palm of my hands,
It started off "Nancy, you have found the right man."
Take good care of him because that''s God''s command,
I whispered to myself, I''ll do the best I can!"
That one Epistle, that one letter,
That was so magical,
And made my life so much better


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