King Suspire | Poetry Vibe
King Suspire
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 17800
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The Message



Views: 160

   Me and the pen, it's a marriage, giving birth to style, 

I need a carriage.

   Keep talking, I'll eat your head like cabbage.

Southside sour, that breakfast salad.

   Dag nabbit, you rabbits ain't got no carrots.

Repeating everything your hear, damn parrots.

   To whoever, come on down and get embarrassed.

Seeing beyond all you cats, I giraffe it.

   It's a jungle out there, straight savage.

If you about that life, them signs, you should flash it.

   Want not, waste not inside of a casket.

Homie came to me with the nine, so I stashed it.

   Still buying looses, them bad habits.

Die hard like all you f***ing bastards.

   Dirt, leaves and maggots, that big toe, they tag it.

Do you want a closed, or open casket.

   Sometimes you have to drastic, and jump overboard

with linguitics.

   Into a sea of sharks, and avoid a death that's horrific.

To prove a point, and be specific.

   Like writing prolific hieroglyphics that generate riches.

And those with itches, come scratching to relieve you of

your finances.

   Though it's just business, they find themselves in 


   Never personal, but today ther's no checks and balances.

So this a shot across the bow, them second chances.

   Should be taken, when offered in advancement.

First chances, sometimes don't end up the way you 

planned it.

   I'm being merciful, as well as candid.

Trying my best to follow the Lords commandments.

   Though the truth hurts, I've made it clear where I'm 


   So don't push me, I'm close to the edge, is the message 

I'm sending.


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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