J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 15700
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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Who am I (Hero Contest)



Views: 272

Who am I but a man such as you,


A man, who at times, forgets his true nature,


Squandering his God given talents,


Thus hindering the blessings that awaits him.


Trying desparately to become one with the "In Crowd",


Losing sight of the goals he has yet to accomplish,


His life is no longer in the Hands of God,


Alone he feels for he has pushed loved ones away,


Angered he feels as he prayers are not answered,


Depressed he ackowledges for it is his only comfort.


Yes, I say to you that this man is a part of me,


But nay I say to you do not judge me based on that alone.


I stand before all and preach to you my inquities,


The many masks I wore to shelter the real me


In fear of not being accepted.


No more I say to you.


I am a gentle man whose heart is filled with love,


A man who will give his last if you are in need.


Emotional I am for I embrace my sensitive side,


I would shed a tear when yours have runneth dry,


Comfort you when no one else will.


I am a man who was raised in the church,


Yes, I havent attended for some time now,


But the teachings are instilled within me.


Look at me and gaze upon my flesh,


Riddled with tattoos, but each is symbolizes who I am.


Royalty is the blood that runs in my veins,


Patricia and Anthony are the names of my parents,


King is the last name I cherish deeply,


Can I live...a simple question...im still breathing am I not,


God forgive me... I have sinned dear Lord...


My strength...father you are,


My heart...mother you are,


A dove to smybolize God's love,


A lion's head to symbolize that I am a king in my own right,


A dragon to symbolize power,


A koy fish to symbolize strength,


A pheonix for I am reborn daily,

Oni Masks for I deeply love the japanese culture,

 And a wolf for I am a warrior.

 Who am I but a man such as you,


Flawed, yes, but a man none the same.


I seek not perfection,


Only wisdom.


What you see is all of me.


The masks are casted aside,


My guards are down,


I am naked before you.


Ridicule me,


Judge me,


Scorn me but, I will not change.


Accept me or distance yourself from me


I care not.


I am who I am.


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