Love raindrops fall from
above drowning sorrows,
as we wash up on shores
We shine like sun glistening
on seas, 4 we bow and appease
the Gods in the hereafter 2 bless
this union 4 ever.
Could I kiss your pain
away 4 hurt in your eyes
pierce heart.
Torn apart, 4 if your not
okay...I'm on the way 2
protect your being 2 last
breath, this body falling
on sword 2 take my life
4 yours.
Your beauty got earth
shifting when feet touch
soil, rebirthing nature with
every step U take.
Sweet dance ballet
pirouettes U execute on
time...perfection U are.
By far the sweetest of
the sweet, get touch ache
from one bite of U.
These written lines or 2's
don't measure up.
4 U are cup overflowing
with beauty...