beafaithful | Poetry Vibe
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I celebrate you my fellow poets, keep rocking on the Vibe!!

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Step by Step



Views: 293

 Step by step we move moving toward our destiny like a school of fish traveling on a certain path for their survival is a necessity

  Are we moving forward, or are we moving backward; are we connected or unconnected; are we moving toward progression or degradation?

These questions are an analysis of our inner self, and only can be truly answered by soul seeking expectations of one’s self.

 Using our own individual instinct, and perception to stay on the course is our own election to attain our desired fate. The hard task of being persistence, and persevering through the ups, and downs of life’s highway.

Stepping off the course, and falling down is only part of our human side, but having the strength to get back up, and step back to regain our statue to move forward,  is just for the asking, from the  only one who  has our perfect road map to our ultimate destination.

By: befaithful


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Sassy says:

Faith is the grounding I love the thoughts of arrival to destinations, how we are not journeying alone although it can feel that way sometimes

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beafaithful says:

Yes. we should walk by faith, not by sight. thank you for the comment

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