Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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When love, no longer reigns



Views: 193


Depending upon the point of view

Where the slow-motion parade of memories

…of me and you

The ones we’d most love to save, reside…

Times, where passion filled emotions …once ruled

Ones we’d held so close between us…

Places we might have sworn …would never fade

Becoming unraveled here before us, here and now

With danger of falling apart, so close…

Its presence felt so near …it never seems to fade…

We’re ever shedding tears …in different ways

Almost afraid to breathe together…

Where once we’d thought …we’d had it made

Now, here we are…

Living, moment by moment …every moment…

At this gathering of hopes and fears

Struggling to survive …losing ground to foolish pride

Remaining calm, amidst the storm …a lost art, alone

In remembrance of the times before

Your lovely face, your warm embrace

Kisses and clasping hands …our sacred space…

Of loving moments spent …more than not

At times in long, quiet conversations

Others, naught, in solemn contemplation

Feeding one another’s heart in dreams we’d bought

In mutual chain reactions …with our compassion

Where love …resides, before the tempest rose

…and those, who’d thought we’d fail

Felt reassured, our loving moments

Would be lost, far and few…

Soon, we’d slip like shadows …into the past

Won their bet with the devil …as all hell broke loose

The first barrier erected, although so insignificant a thing

Sealed our fate, when we failed…

To set aside a creeping doubt,

What, by being together was all about

Tore holes in our formerly sacred space

What loves’ protection held, faded fast…

What we’d carefully erected in love,

By angers wrath …was suddenly erased

The cold winds laughing …became the gale

Breaking waves rose over our walls …to overtake us

Ripping away all sense of security …between our prayers

All that we’d valued …gathered, near, scattered…

As if, nothing mattered… any more

What held us together, most …our innermost, treasured moments of bliss, held close to heart

Swallowed by fear

Skeletal keys to the doors of happiness

No longer, gave us passage

To the healing powers …of our tattered dreams…

What emotions, we’d expressed, best together, once…

So swiftly fell apart

Went wild and ran ...away,

Once abandoned…  

As without our love to bind it to us,

Could, no longer

Be contained




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Powerful truths! Yet we hang on...painfully pulling love back to her throne...warriors struggling to regain those sacred spaces showered again with fearless love back on the throne. Thanks for sharing another powerful arite. Peace and love.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent Work (as usual) me it sounds like two sides of one our 'feelings' are split in two...not sure this is the break you so eloquently penned, but my eyes read and felt this....thanks for sharing....ONE
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, 2b2b2/mlowe5. Love inspires much... powers beyond what one person can do alone... the light of love, a candle fed by the elixirs nature, on occasion may provide requires fuel, part dream, spontaneous ignition, occurs by chance... when the right elements come into being engaged in flight ...creating new worlds to be explored.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, exploding new worlds! Peace and Love.

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