40 Gifted_and_Classy  | Poetry Vibe
40 Gifted_and_Classy
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 7700
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  brigadier general
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Beauty, like no other



Views: 183

Where do I stand?

In your eyes I'm not thin enough

I'm not tall enough either

Every inch of my curves, make you cringe an long for less

You say my hips lie

My mouth to big

What is it with you?

Do you expect perfection?

How does that look, if there is a such thing as perfection

I'm me love me as I am

Take me as I am

Confessions of a true woman

A true woman has imperfections

My love is waist up, not waist down

Take a minute and nibble on those crackers

Yep, now I'm sipping ginger tea?

Just maybe it will relax me

Have a cup

Sit down


I'll tell you this

Stop relying on others to set your beauty standards

I'm an individual

 My DNA only

 simply put, belong to me and me only

How's life treating you?

Can't be to good, because you reflecting your ish at me

Redirect that negatie energy

I'm at a loss for words

Naw, never that

I'm just checking to see if you listening?

The good book says to listen more, and talk less

Try it you might like it

I'll see you at the finishline

and we aint getting sneakers

Beauty, like no other



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King Suspire says:

Love yourself if nobody else.

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