2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Lilly White Limmerick’d


just different

Views: 382

Ladies of  Liberty matinee, weaponized manifest destiny

America’s media maid, believing err’re-day 2b satiny

White washed  equality, applied  incontrovertibly

Seeing  is  believing  only upon them good ole’ sons of liberty

Life’s Liberty  happily upheld by  a  simple white is better than black fallacy





"Hold tight on your rights...voter suppression is real....don't sleep"







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LP45 says:

Excellent write 2b. I agree. Thanks for sharing this. Peace and blessings.

40 Gifted_and_Classy says:

Thanks for checking out my work! Voter suppression is real. People fear things, they should adore. We are all different yet we came from the same cloth. No one is better!

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks LP45....ONE
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2b2b2 says:

You are welcome 40 Gifted_and_Classy.....I agree with you, but respectfully see it as "...we are all the same ....trying to make difference...which is fine, long as at the end of day you treat, love and respect ALL...no matter...differences in thought, perception or election..because when all is said in done in our time...the end is the same (winks) Peace and Thank you for checking me...ONE

40 Gifted_and_Classy says:

Absolutely. God commands us to LOVE ❤️!

40 Gifted_and_Classy says:

Absolutely. God commands us to LOVE ❤️!

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2b2b2 says:

Great Minds Think Alike...(smiling)...Namaste

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mrmelody7 says:

Great you are still informing the masses 2 B Sure Top of the line write but always have that with U. Yo watched them Knicks today lookin good Amazing as that song goes what a difference a day make well what a difference a Coach makes
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2b2b2 says:

Good to read ya mrmelody7...thank you sir, same as it ever was it appears 2b apparent as to the inspiration in this write...bad intention actors have reared their ignorance again to galvanize for the wrong reasons....also being a lifetime Knicks fans I'm cautiously optimistic...Defense is back....Go NY, Go NY..Go! Stay Well Sir....ONE
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mlowe5 says:

Teach! My Brother! Teach. Thanks for the truth expressed in a profound poetic analysis. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love, mlowe5.
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2b2b2 says:

Thanks it is an honor and duty....shedding light via Writes....ONE
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mlowe5 says:

ONE> Peace and Love.
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Charles2 says:

Takes deep, soul searching, united minds and STRONG FAITH... to overcome the MADNESS which is the lowest common denominator of evil minds stuck ON CRACK... believing themselves to be gods gift... to their own demonic vision of God's Love...(believing themselves to be... the ONE)

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