love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 204600
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 198

I only know one way to do it and I never kept it real, I kept it nice. Someone is always fighting a battle I dont know anything about. No need to add to the load. 

So many things I could have said and kept it real, just didn't need to do it. I am a part of this world. and I definitely put in it what I want to get out of it. 

I love yall and always do whats right for you. But make sure you show someone some kindness even if they dont deserve it. 

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mrmelody7 says:

Kindness doesnt cost dollar amounts just some of your time just a smile could make someone day how much time does it take to thanks again for all the snaps I think you have just about snapped all my posts Continue on your poetic journey
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2b2b2 says:

Golden Rule poetry love_supreme very much like your namesake....Truth is Freedom, thanks for sharing! ONE

TEEDUB815 says:

This Can Bring Peace To The World. TEEDUB815
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mlowe5 says:

Indeed, love_supreme. We must not become as our oppressors. Yes, to forgive does not mean to forget but to prevent reoccurrence and moving on. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love.

love_supreme says:

thank you @all, I really appreciate it.

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Harper Darnell says:

Simply, very nice, and truthfully very honest.

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kingqadardwon' says:


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