Small, medium, large all complexity's that stimulate different images of what often people deem as important!
![]() 40 Gifted_and_Classy
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Small, medium, large all complexity's that stimulate different images of what often people deem as important!
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TamaraD says: Feel that.....Facts |
40 Gifted_and_Classy says: Thanks Tam D |
OTHER POEMS WRITTEN BY 40 Gifted_and_Classy
unborn childmy unborn child i write to you you are the first of many things that will be a part of this world you sit in my stomach turining over and over you want to come out you want to get yours and crush the sadness in this world you want the pain of others to be long gone when you come out the disparities, the injustice, and the constant reactions to those that are looked upon with disgust and a frown to receive the love they never had i write to you, because i long to know you you can change the game you said you a rookie you say is not easy being this cute i laugh to myself how can you not be cute, you got it from your mother me cute, short in stature, but easy to love if you give it a glance i tell you enough of that, because my child i havent seen you yet but i feel you will shock the world with your no nonsense and... |
Mental check for todayCheck this mental divide We are often told to be better,and to do better We are often told we must mask our "racial disparities" We are often told we must stand by and watch others crush our loved ones, and not speak for if we do we are just being bad people who deserve the unrest mental disparities is the way i put it i say here is the mental check for you today We people not your folks are better, and we will not love less For we are a people of love, and rich culture We dance with our enemy, and glide daily to the heavens above all at the same time For you see in pain is love And, to hate someone is not to fully understand that God is love, and we are love We ALL have some hints of similiarities as people We bleed the same, and breathe the same So ill say to those who tell me to look past these "mental dispari... |
We ourselves must love our differencesIts simply us that have to think outside the box Do you dare to be different? Everyone cant fit in the same mold If you grab a basket of apples dont you know each one of them will be different in some way Some may have bruises Some might come in different color variations And, some may be different sizes I said this to say bask in your own fruit Don't expect to be like everyone else Celebrate your differences You are never alone God heard you! I hear ya! |
Christmas cheerIts lovely weather for a season full of hope and dreaming Kids look forward to the day, and grown ups bask and the joy of happiness this season brings, A time when we as a family get together to cheer on the memories that only this holiday can bring the tree is lit, and love is in the air the house is filled with overwhelming smells of holly, and only christmas dinner can smell so heavenly the rememberence of christ comes to mine for many I can only say that he is a blessing on any occasion he loves us no matter what, thats the kind of love, i like Only Christmas can set the tone for the upcoming year, God bless, and happy new year to all |
mental illness or mental awarenessSome are left to wonder when the misery will leave They fill up with tears and dont know the reason why They have good days, and bad days, or weeks with grapling despair Days that they are high, because the feelings are running deep to show afffection, and love Days that are low, and feelings of isolation, not wanting to be around no one oh, what a whirlwind, up and down, round and round its hectic, like a boiling pot of water, just dont touch the pot, you might get burned, burned in your feelings, this is no fun life is such a rollercoaster, or at least it can be, we often dont know what to do with these feelings, my suggestion get you some medicine if there are no other options, and a therapist figting demons as some would say needs character only you can determine what to do with these feelings focus on positivity, and optimism and never forget... |
Fudge, and lifeLife is like fudge sweet and savory, yet bitter if you add no sugar or salt! For it will enhance the flavor, but you need the real chocolate Dark chocolate to savor the needs of many, and drowned by a few.... Salt is from the earth, and the sugar perpetrates the ground.... It also needs the right temperature, trust me I made it before...
Fighter in the RingIt seems people are looking for a shot in this world Just one shot can determine your course Aspire and dream big A sky above reality is what I vividly desire Yep, thats what I seek Some call it pizza Its a pie in the sky, you see Just between me and you I always knew I would receive riches beyond riches On top of the world, not in the middle, and definitely not last I manifest equality and opportunity driven by a strong aerobic force to to see all mankind love and beseech one another If you are negative please believe you wont fit into my design Its evident, that your vibes are dangerous Life can be tough But, if you go about it the right way it can be rewarding It is an honor sir, and madam Yes, you are royal blood Speak within the existence of men In this ring, I'll fight In this ring, I said I would fi... |
SizeSmall, medium, large all complexity's that stimulate different images of what often people deem as important!
Who said?Who said you had to be perfect? Who said you have to be adventurous?' Who said your not pretty, or handsome? Does it really matter? Its oblivious to think one can live life abundantly and not have a clue I'm in search of a better me I'm in search of a better you Who said so? Only you truly know
Red, White, and BlueWe live in troubled waters in this proven striken life We feast on counter clockwise portions of flesh Openly and often with successfulness Devouring the whole bowl and leaving nothing behind No bodies found on this planet Aliens are forming green layers of fungus What type of aliens? The one's that live here on planet Earth I'm headed to Mars, boo I'm hennessy tipping Please stop tripping You're wig aint on to tight You better relate on the light The sun beams down its precious light Reminding me, that each day is a new opportunity or threat Depending on which mind frame you at Some find joy in the morning Others find peace at night I just wanna take flight Arriving on a one way passage to the glory land Where? Over yonder, with the other so called couragious cats My tires are flat My br... |