Confident, strong-willed and proud to strut the skin I’m in
I felt like life was busy laughing at all my chunks of fat
To be skinny and just like that, over night
My muscles had a party with the tissues in my body and they began to collide
There I was sad and disappointed at the world for what my physical was growing to be
Like I wasn’t in control anymore
Inch by inch I attacked that fat
And 3 months later there it comes running back ,as if we were a Couple rekindling a relationship of addiction .
Learning to relove the skin you’re in gets frustrating and very much a pain
Then when you look at those beautiful thighs and realize how sexy your stomach looked without a frown
How the Kings wanna ring your line
How the beautiful of your insides shown
How your body let you know just put those clothes on and strut your fat your way
BBW becomes your favorite phase..::