cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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Fight. (Challenges)(Hero Contest)



Views: 231

 Root words in my image and my name. I look and drift use my imagination to claim all that I see. Loving the enemy apart of life I hear right im my ear and hold back. Closing my eyes seeking searching for relief to only see my phone can't sleep the tunes awakening my universe. Just to have to tell them what has been rehearsed. "I get to you later I don't have it right now?" While i watched the piles of money surround them... those who have some way got the key. I fight for that belief wanting to be only me the others to see searching the sky as it falls. Searching for a reply with a strong cause so that I won't have to fight anymore. Dreams that sore as I walk through the day I fight and pray that all the obstacles will be slayed and I will finally be able to be....who I am supposed to be. But in saying that??? Why I stil here typing.Back to the FIGHT.#ventdotcom

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