WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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When the world changed...



Views: 193

When the world changed

Most people didn’t 

Programs executing rules of ‘cultural’ software written over time

Right or wrong, even when forced to change

We hold onto the past like our lives depend upon it

Simpler times when things were better?

Or were we just younger, less educated, and naive?

The present truly is the best and worst of times

So much potential to improve things for everyone

As well as the risk of pushing billions off of a ledge into the abyss of poverty, injustice, and death

Government, money, and politics is no different than sports and entertainment 

It’s all made up to waste time, consume resources, and divide people

Even when progress marches toward injustice

It’s not bullets, viruses, and weather that cause disasters

It’s people consumed by greed, fear, and ignorance that do

The house that we bought with a 30 year mortgage sits on land stolen from a nation of people that were terrorized, raped, and killed less than a 100 years ago

We’ve all got to do better.

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