2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Venus means....


Views: 244

Longed for as a  gaze is  captured  on  display

Meeting onto eyes, speculative inspires

Haunting echoes of want  in retroactive revisits

How long  has  your  daze, missed this present condition?

To have  lived  without  knowing  your  why, is 2b answered

Surviving thru  nights  of  passionless  sweats darkened by regrets

Only  to  find, love  exists  beyond  seasons of short and long stays

Heat is  felt  from  afar  to  near  and from incidental to  intentional

Eventually  arisen  in  the quickened hearts  and  minds so  inclined

Defined  in  beginnings  to  a  life’s  longest  day  eclipsing  purposes

Excepting  for  the dreams  that  predict  our  eventual reacquaint

Earthly  Love  as  defined  in  the  glints  of  wholly indelible  shine

Magnetically pulls attention, peptic conventions’  insights even the blind

Once  felt,  shall, never,  ever  again  be  forgotten, gravity is such a loving feel

Love  knows  me  and  I  live  fully  in  her auspice for  all my days  long…..



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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Phenomenal writing 🔥

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Brilliant capture per usual! Dope my brother

LP45 says:

Pure Awesomeness! Love how this flowed 2B. Peace.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A beautiful cosmic circadian flow of rhythmic beauty inculcated with innate poetic awareness. Just what is always expected 2b of 2b2b2. Peace and Love,
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Much Love

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