1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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The guilt of answered prayers



Views: 96
You sound selfish. If he turned elsewhere what would your thoughts be. He shows you affection and your response is rejection which is a horrible place for a man to be. Imagine this. Him in a box being lowered to the ground. Imagine another women creeping in and taking his hand from a door you left open. Excuses the ones you describe are the responsibilities of a mother but your first responsibility is to your husband because your children are born to leave you alone with your husband if you survive this illusion that makes you feel like you are doing so much more than any other mother or wife has had to do to contend with the perks of those titles where as you see them chores. So many women would give their very soul to have the honor that sits beside your complaints really. Yeah there are women here some claiming to walk along side Christ Jesus who will entertain this pitiful display of ungratefulness but I will tell you to look in the mirror an try to see what God sees. What your husband sees and show him your humility. Be grateful to God that he desires your body which was made by God for him. Hold those babies tell the Devil to go to hell with his negative thinking and to return no more. Put your spiritual foot on his neck till he can't breath and give thanks to God reading proverbs 31. Put your big girl pantsies on and take responsibility for all your roles. Each is a gift From the mother of 6. Foster mother of 30. Employee employer. Sister aunt cousin friend daughter and artist. It isn't easy but its worth it. Don't complain about answered prayers. God told me asked for so much more. God blessed. Thank you Jesus.

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