I was sent here to multiply the unconscious minds,
give them correct consciousness
so that they might fly,
So that they one day soon they'll swat the oppressors down
feast on their lies of truth and devour it with big black spoons
in the spirit of vodun,
at this table there will be no sellouts or no coons
We must mobilize and organize with the like minded
we must not view all human thought as equal
that's how you become blinded
People putting their point of views and opinions on you
we can disagree to agree after being rescued by liberation
that's the only good news that can be brought to you
and you won't hear or see it on The Tube
Aren't you all tired of 🎱 balls getting shot into corner and side pockets?
Not by just their oppressors
but also by those that are triangled in the same rack
Now is time for the royal takeover,
nothing must come before liberation,
you cannot properly serve and worship God if you are spiritually, mentally and physically enslaved
God gave you the tools to fight enslavement, it starts and ends in the mind
And I ain't gotta tell you what we're up against
you see it every day
knives in your chest and your back.
Do you enjoy pain that much that you'll just call it a fact
that you're only being brutalized and tortured because you're black?
Are you not even willing to fight back?
For the sake of your children and future progeny
You'll never be free if you're just looking for and settling for an apology!
That's a problem see!
Liberation is forced, not granted
give or take world, we must find balance
How does this sound?
They're free but you're enslaved
They call you cowards and they call themselves the braves
They live on open lands,
and we only settle for welfare cages
don't ever forget that it was your ancestors that helped to free a great majority of them from the caves
so that they would one day see a brighter day.
~ King Qadar Dwon'