PHIRE | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Poetic Hustler Illustrating Reality Everyday! #FollowMe

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Views: 245

Tear me down to build me up, back to pieces I’ve been broken
Watched the ways of man and followed his every word unspoken
Into the pit I found myself, humbled yet unable to climb
Scared to live, why not die, stone broke I can’t buy time
Breaking loose from yesterday, in hope to elude tomorrow
Nothing to lose but the chains, is there a ladder of hope to borrow
All around me are corners, through my sentence I’ve learned the rope
Given enough, I could hang myself traded fate in a deal for cope
There are voices that speak to me, saying I sold my soul to the devil
Dirt I felt being thrown on me, whose hands were holding the shovel
Backs now turned afraid to face me, wondering how I made it out
After the rain, I choose to swim, now thankful for the drought
Upstream against the tide, mills can not grind with water that is past
Now knowing, that only what I do for Christ, is All that is sure to last.

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