it's about to go down all invited
if still around if PPP don't put you
back in chains it's all arranged
don't get tangled in the exchange
it's a unkind evil amongst people
dramatic artist stage performance
scapegrace title role protagonist
twisted tongue tied ventriloquist
ill form rabid rat venomous snake
subversive prejudicial noxious
destructive detrimental maleficent
loathsome appalling offensive
sinister spiteful diabolical mean
nasty ruthless sadistic wicked
heinous malicious stone hearted
inhumane sour crabby stroppy
ratty sulky bitter salty sinful and
naughty attitude turpitude trauma
dirtiness blueness vileness redness
malice cold heartedness back bite
dislike despite ill will evil intent
unkindness devilment gag prank
funny business curse bane affliction
setback crossed bitter pill to swallow
disastrous cancerous poisonous totality