UnderWorldLyricist | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6700
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  brigadier general
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Wake Up!!!!



Views: 182

Got introduced to the darkness of this world at a young age.

I understood then that life operates in sequence of levels, cycles and stages.

The key to navigating through each board is to be mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually strong.

Once you understand the lessons behind the challenges you face, you can’t go wrong.

Don’t live your life as a Puppet…wake up and cut that damn string.

Stop chasing after the dream they sold.

Create your own dream and watch how your life unfolds.

Stop wasting your time living your life in repeat doing the same thing.

Free yourself from the puppet master and create a life of your own.

Stop following their blueprint…

cause you’re failing to read the fine print.

Free yourself from being an inmate in the prison of society.

Stop playing the role of the victim just to get sympathy.

Know that you’re worthy of so much more and stop settling for less.

You’re responsible for your happiness.

Stop making your happiness, peace and joy be someone else’s responsibility.

Stop blaming your traumatic childhood for your adult mistakes.

Nah, that was your decision and the risk you were willing take.

No one wants to hear the truth cause they rather live a lie.

This life is not meant for you to just work and die.

You came here for a purpose and mission.

Opens your eyes and fix your vision.

Once your eyes are opened to what lies beneath,

You’ll be awakened to the lies and deceit.

I was taught the rules of life’s game…

It transformed me from a cub to a fearless beast untamed.

I’m careful of the company I keep…

Wolves know how to disguise themselves as sheep.

When the pressure get heavy, people have a tendency to fold.

You have no friends…

only souls that cross your path either to be a lesson or blessing…that’s the code.

Trust no one…especially the ones closest to  you.

Never look at a situation with one view.

Never burn a bridge if you don’t have the ability to build another one.

Never get involved in other people’s beef…cause they’ll eventually turn on you when it’s all said and done.

Never trust the words of another….always get the proof.

There’s always three sides to a story….your side, their side and the truth.

There’s nothing wrong with being a follower…

But be careful of who’s your teacher.

Learn what you need to learn and master it.

Don’t spend your whole life being a student because the objective of this game is to become a leader.







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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Right on, UnderWorldLyricist! Continue to Write On, waking up the "stringed puppets" with the inspiring wisdom of your pregnant poetic mind. Thanks for sharing this profound messaging write. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

UnderWorldLyricist says:

Thank you so much for the love!!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE. Peace and Love.

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