TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
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Work Place Blues



Views: 149
In The World There Are So Many That Awaken Every Morning Saying To Themselves, I'm So Dam Sick Of That Dam Job
Maybe Because They Are Feeling Handcuffed To A Company That Legally Robs.
Think About It
Calculate One Year Of The Total Hours You Gave Your All To Your Job, The Total Amount Of Money/Revenue That You've Produced In A Year For Your Job, Add The Anguish That You Feel Inside For Constantly Receiving Cents On A Dollar As Your Raise (That's Like Throwing Sh!t In Ones Face), And Divide By 52
When You Get The Total You'll Understand Why So Many Have The Work Place Blues

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LP45 says:

I can and have related to this very situation. I hear ya TEEDUB. I stopped working for others a long time ago and started working for myself. Thanks for sharing.
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mlowe5 says:

I hear you TEEDUB. That's why after checking out "job", I went on to spend some 40 years in Teaching! After 3 retirements, I am happily engaged in part-time labor of love tutoring. It remains ironic that so many of us have to be on the job, making tons of $$$$ for others while just barely surviving, for themselves and loved ones. Peace and love, my Brother. mlowe5.
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charles2 says:

Having your sense of value/living depending on others can NOT help YOU build SELF esteem. Redemption ...between you and the Creator... PRICELESS

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