I try to direct you from distraction
which is loving the way it's blocking your attention of knowing better
stirring you back
inch by inch
A person's biggest weakness
is being nutminded
winded off by twisted influence
When you see disregarded drama
the wrong thing, you could do
is follow it, act out noxious
allow it to furnish your dignity
let it tarnish your intelligence
You have full control
The lost move you could make in life
is to be associated with improper behavior
Dim the sight of simple living
cross your own courage
Not; listening to the clear ways of avoidance
Told by sensible people
Would be experience consequences
you handed to yourself
When you witness how foolishness entertains
pay attention to the way it ends
Now is the time to live away from it
Foolishness envy ~ your comfort of movement
Choose not to understand the power of interior shine
give a ruck about doing it right with heart of attraction
Knows nothing
building remarkable structure
on land of goodness
through strength of mind
Sabrina "Chris" Williams