UnderWorldLyricist | Poetry Vibe
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The New Gen Ancestors



Views: 203

I speak truth!

I speak what’s real!

I speak what people really feel,

But are afraid to say.

I can’t tread from what’s real…I don’t see any other way.

I speak from the perspective of a woman and man.

I believe both have perspectives we fail to see and understand.

I know the struggles of woman and the demands placed on a man.

We live in world filled with labels and expectations.

Disappointment and failure comes with living up to these labels.

Shackled to the chains of past generations.

Struggling and grinding just to bring something to the table.

Ancestors depending on us to make change,

But gave us the wrong rules to the game.

This is not the old days…nothing is the same.

No offense to Malcom X and Martin Luther King,

But we’re not backing down…we’re taking what is ours.

We’re cutting the snake off by the head.

We’re taking back our freedom and elevating with power.

Obama opened the door and Kamala kicked it in.

We are rising and evolving!

We are in this to win!

The world is changing and revolving.

Stop doing things the old way.

Let go of the past but remember the lesson.

Know that each day you open your eyes is a blessing.

It’s an opportunity for you to make a difference and create change.

I know the unknown may seem dark and strange.

It’s through this unknown journey where you see just how strong and fearless you really are.

We didn’t come this far just to come this far.

We are diminishing that crab in the barrel mentality.

It’s time to rise up and fulfill our purpose and destiny!

This is not the 60’s…stop treating each other with the rules of segregation.

It’s up to us to make the changes that will empower the next generation.

We are the new ancestors!





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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Excellent, UnderWorldLyricist! A long time ago, I wrote a poem entitled, "To Those We've Been Waiting For". What a blessing to have lived long enough to see that the New Gen has arrived. May this generation of new Ancestors further fueled by the awareness that past generations did more with less that yours would have less to do less the achieve more! You got this! Go on and proceed to do likewise for those to follow you. Thanks for this powerful share. Enjoyed and love it. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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