mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 275



From sunup to sundown

it was indeed a weird day;

it seemed as if the sun rose

wearing dimming shades

and as if the wind had been

blown off course or locked out.


The bold-green leaf trees, hedges,

shrubs, and lawn grasses just stood

there motionless as if they were

aping their canvassed or woven cloth/

plastic counterparts that year round

highlighted the locations of graves.


In the dimness of it all, even shadows

had a time with their shading reflections;

and the bi-polar tempt had fun teasing

t-shirts and sweatshirts with a strange

“lukeness” that was neither hot nor cold

nor warm or cool.  A special Virginia trait!


The scary-like graveyard silence

of this weird lingering day was

pinged periodically by echoes of

hidden birds in trees and sometimes

the echoes of ducks in a distant pond;

it seemed as if no other sound had

the echoing energy to pierce the silence.


As this taunting tired day slowly faded

into the coming darkness of night, suddenly

I realized that nothing had happened to me

Throughout this weird incomprehensive

lingering day, and that my heart was beating

with a shooing rhythm of allegorical awareness.

This day of the week too, had been one

that the Lord had made with his undying love

and had blessed me to be perpendicular in it;

thus, it became apparent to me that I need

to rejoice and be glad to be a part of another

day of God’s imaging shared beauties of life.


In gratitude, I now share this day with you

that like me, you too may understand that

although it may seem at times that God does

not give us what it is we want, he has never

failed to give us the things we’ve had needs for.




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE! To God be the glory! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Al hamdullilah for this inspiring and glorifying write. We don't deserve anything, but yet God gives us everything. Peace, Love, and Light.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Shukran, alhubu w alsalam. mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks for the SNAPS, love_supreme. Much appreciated. Peace and Love.

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