poeticsoul | Poetry Vibe
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Such a dope soul

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long distance

Views: 265

We haven't spoken in a while, but your soul speaks to me. With just a simple meditation, I raise my vibration, and your spirit comforts me. Getting in alignment, to cross the horizon, where your love waits for me. This journey without you, is a journey of truth, so our souls can be set free, free to combine, when our souls are finally aligned, to drift off to our destiny.. Cant wait for this new chapter when its finally me for you and you for me.

 I'll love you forever 

#trueflame #twinflame #soulties 

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

A beautiful well expressed mind of a soul hoping for love to rest ashore.

poems by this commentor


poeticsoul says:

Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

This is so well crafted and penned. Truly beautiful... Amazing skills.

UnderWorldLyricist says:

Yesss!! On this journey now with mine...it is a beautiful journey once you put your ego, pride and the old programming of what you've taught to belive about love.

UnderWorldLyricist says:

Yesss!! On this journey now with mine...it is a beautiful journey once you put your ego, pride and the old programming of what you've been taught to believe about love.

poeticsoul says:

Thank you guys I appreciate all the love 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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