crystalshealingjourney | Poetry Vibe
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Let's do the right thing ..... WRITE !!

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How To Live Life



Views: 131
The person that confuses perfection with peace of mind, Will have to realize that tomorrow they probably will still not find. Whatever that they might have had in mind about a future of any kind, But maybe you only dream about such a thing When you can no longer see because you are now - Blindly following all of the people who seem to so often be inclined To dig their own grave but still never leave anything behind. But the idea that some judgement has any kind of right to truly define Any value in relation to human kind While we fail to realize that our own twisted inner-guide Is the sole thing that binds us to so called ‘solitary-confinement.’ That of which forces a focus on simply just trying to survive To be the only objective that we can ever really strive for in this life Instead of simply thriving just on being alive. Personally, the purpose of my life is definately not to live it in some kind of a disguise For the one and only person who gets to decide however much that I might choose to compromise Is me, myself and I - So now I will give others a word of advice That the only place that we can ever begin to look to for answers does honestly reside Deep down inside And if you have faith in you – You will find that your very own mind Is creativily so divine. Your true potential Is the only thing that you have to realise… And the protection that “they’ promise to all of us Is denial of the crisis It is our life, it is what we are given… So why not try rolling the dice We think that we know what life is really all about But honestly, to us it is just one big damn surprise. So lets not be judgemental…. Pray for the strength to let some things go And above all…. Lets just try to ***ing be nice! ©Crystal Floyd

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Sassy says:

Thats so right, take a risk and learn to be kind to others VIP Well done

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