1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Blasphemy. It's like when you have a relationship with someone, and you give them all your love. You go out of your way giving them your time, sacrifice other relationships for this one, when ever they call you drop what you are doing even if it had the potential to damage something else. It's like that best friend. The friend that turned thier back on you just because. They just up and cut you off without warning for no reason at all and then to add insult to injury they made false accusations about you, lied on you, spoke of you as to defame your character. But you where there. These betrayals hurt you to the core of your soul and we as his children do this to God almost daily. We ultimately return tails between our legs begging for forgiveness yet often for many pride prevails and the relationship is never repaired. This is blasphemy hopefully in a way that is simple to relate to. If we haven't had this experience many of us have just walked away not even having enough courtesy to say goodbye leaving the other to question why. God knows why yet when we fail to take responsibility for our choices in life, then blame him for our failures when he remains the same, it brings tears to his eyes. I say that because just like we as parents hurt when our children hurt he hurts when we hurt. we don't always see it that way but the word of God says what is done in heaven is done here on earth and we mimic him heart to heart and hurt to hurt. Image the day you fall. We ask our parents why didn't you tell me, our parents most often reply baby I tried, We often feel like they don't understand our circumstances so we venture out past the response as if they told us lies. We more than not are bord with thier stories because we have so much to do but when God finally takes them we realize the stories where true. We take for granted the sound of a voice, its advice given in love yet we rebelled to much was going on to see their thoughts a real choice. Nothing new is under the sun yet it will take the sun to set before we understand they knew and had to allow us to fall when they would have taken that fall so we wouldn't hurt as a parents and rejoiced.

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