PoeticKnight239 | Poetry Vibe
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I will grow

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Evil Rights



Views: 151

For man sings a song of saddness while dancing a jig of maddness,yet a  fearless coward stands in the mist of happiness only to humble a sight of blindness. Death rains among all ,and so does a wave of living. Instant is success slow is process on such a  mortal life as into blameful giving. What calls is strange views of blunt mental learning,even though it seems drama thrives through rough distrust with great balancing.If life is as of less thought, and less actions than let not an eye of person or persons collide with those of higher functioning. Doubtless should we be. Blameful of non-verbal agreement of authourity.Silence thy tongue with humility. Distance ourselves from human standards of a new dark democracy.To stand with is to give up their voices of protest of peaceful angry.Minds shall be twisted before those who prey unto weakly lungs with strong hearts just only. Open your eyes to sight truth mixed with lies into a uneven sea of false deeds. Time will come when the black american so call (rights) are just your soul use as the devil feeds.  

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