thekiingsc | Poetry Vibe

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dumb es



Views: 231

is it in vain to deal with a lame dame wasting good time on someone thats not worth half of your wits or would i be rude or disrespectful to open the door and tell her she didnt make the list is it wrong when your past the point of hugs and a kiss or even her touch you resist. Tired of dealing with morons that keep me full of thoughts that have me pissed questioning my own abilities like how in the hell did i even end up in this. From the begginning i thought you had potential of bringing some credentials to the table but the more i know  about you shows where you lack stability or perhaps i should say the abilities to use your mind to make common sense but it shows in your actions which are evident that your elevator doesnt reach the top floor.
So how is it possible to get to my level if you can't even imagine seeing such a floor but your constantly asking to see more you want to be treated as if you made the winning score fly with the star spread your wings so that you can soar. i see no basis in any request that you ask what you sipping on inside that flask, take that cotton off your eyes and maybe you'll be able to comprehend the task which is at hand, im not going to sit here and pretend that i am a man that doesnt have flaws or sins like the sand. The question of the hour is can you catch the beat of the band its more than the energy or the sounds of the beat, but the rhythm, the hi hats, the claps, synthesizers sound effects or in other words its more to the equation than just basic math.
I've bathed you constantly in showers of knowledge and seems that you still aren't catching on, done all i could possibly do to get to see and meet me at eye level but throughout life experiences and changes i'm up to my neck with dealing with dumb es. Sometimes I question myself as well as God, is this punishment for the way ive treated women in the past or do i have a magnet for dumb es. Maybe its me thats missing the signs from the start that make me seem to be slightly retarded. But i know one thing for certain that this will be the last time i put myself in this perdictament with all this unneccessary headaches and dumb for no caused reasons.  


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