2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Slaves to Robots


just different

Views: 278

Slaves to Robots


THOTs and what nots to  what was  to what’s 2b

Awaiting on-line(s) for NFT pieces to mine, pipe dreams

Likes, they find, affirming viral memes to align to code’sign

So nowadays we  define,  years  of  learning, given a’way for free

To Auto-bot  & Decepti-cons  combined, into Artificial Intelligence

‘Cuz  ain’t  no  ‘bot  like  a  ‘bot  unknown,  that  knows  who,

What,  Why  and  How  to  get  a  job done and is  down  for  bottom  lines,

For  bottom  lines, catch  all  dregs  in  ‘nets  sweeping  seasons and species

Pulling up not just the fish, but  feces,  so  it  too can be  codified in cancelled  cultures

All for the sake of  subsuming  eyes  of  a  few  wealthy ‘coffers’,  first to corona vaccines


In between the lines, no spaces are profound,  off  grid,  for gist, is lampooned liken to a Cue-non-Conspiracy

Patriots’  fighting  for  shows  on  tv  that  are  Nielsen  driven  romanticized fantasies, algorithm selected

So  what  really matters,  if  all  reality  is  valued  more  in  virtual  settings for only Fans’ channels

The  fine  print,  is  disseminated  via  3D  printers  hooked up  to  5G, call centers,  overseeing

Looks  to  hire  and  fire  just  the  “right”  candidate,  as  the  unemployed are left  behind, surfing for followers

Even medical  visits  exhibit,  automated  questions  to  diagnose  championed  and  blanketed malaise

Like  how  are  you  feeling,  from  1  to  10,  doctors  can’t  compute  the  pain and frustration to level umpteen personally

Refrigerators  and  front  doors  now  be snitching,  like  speed  camera toll booths, be tempting by posting limits adhered to  even  though road might  hold  a clear view

How  imperfect  must  I  be  to  have  such  a  malcontent  chip  sown in  on  my  shoulders

So  I  guess  I’ll  just  keep  giving  my  laptop,  lap  dances  as  my  fingers  prance  but mind  don’t  boogaloo

Afterall,  after  hours,  I  use  to  get  on up and down,  in  the  village,  late  night  underground basement house jamming, fondly called  Save the Robots (shoutouts…), sweating out  my cares and a few brews (wink)

Now  I  wander  in  this  apparent  change in  climates,  trying  to  keep  up  with  Robots constantly busting and changing up grooves…..




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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Profoundly penned! Ooooooooooo.. This one hits different.. Poets will not be replaced by robots and shots
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks Much My Dear Brother Kingqadardwon' .....ONE
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Profound! my Brother. Imagine, trying to google liberation daily when message/request is sent to spam or you're instructed to rate urgency on a scale of 1 to 400! yrs!? "Slave to Robots"; You're so right on, 2b2b2. Thanks for this innovative, allegorical share. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

King Suspire says:

Excellent piece of writing. The matrix is real, let's not get caught up in the digital judgement of the cowards hiding behind keyboards. ONE!

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LP45 says:

I agree. Profound indeed. I being into computers on a daily basis, have to “unplug” every now and again. Excellent write 2b. Thank you for sharing this. Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

So right mlowe5....yes indeed! Thank you kind sir!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks for checking me King Suspire....must remain vigilant and not lulled by that ever encompassing material formed matrix....Word Up!
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks LP45, yup breaks are needed to curb such robotic addictions....me thinks

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